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Red wine is a type of wine made from dark-colored grape varieties. The actual color of the wine can range from intense violet, typical of young wines, to brick red for mature wines and brown for older red wines.
Van Zellers Ruby Porto (750ml)
Zolo Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve (750ml)
Zolo Malbec Reserve (750ml)
Zolo Malbec (750ml)
Familia Los Agueros Malbec (750ml)
One Leaf Oak Aged Malbec (750ml)
Mendoza Vineyards Malbec (750ml)
Fest Vineyards Malbec (750ml)
Marco Zunino Malbec (750ml)
Hacienda del Plata Mayoral Grand Reserve Malbec (750ml)
Hacienda Albae Malbec (750ml)
Famiglia Meschini Malbec Premium (750ml)
El Supremo Malbec (750ml)
Catena Malbec (750ml)
Bodegas Nodus Chaval Organic Bobal (750ml)
Chozas Carrascal Las Dos Ces Tinto (750ml)